Repair Case: Vertex BY508 Bottled Water Dispenser with Cooling Issues
Today, we repaired a Vertex BY508 bottled water dispenser for a customer who reported inconsistent cooling performance. Sometimes the dispenser would cool properly, while other times, the cooling system failed. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the troubleshooting and repair process.
Problem Description
The primary issue was unstable cooling functionality. We suspected a problem with the compressor or associated components and decided to focus on these areas during our inspection.
维修案例:Vertex BY508瓶装水桶饮水机制冷故障排查与维修
今天我们为客户维修了一台Vertex BY508瓶装水桶饮水机。客户反映,这台饮水机最近制冷功能不稳定,有时可以制冷,有时却无法正常工作。以下是我们对故障原因的排查过程及解决方法。
Troubleshooting and Repair Steps
1. Checking the Compressor
- Removed the Heat Sink: The compressor is located at the back of the dispenser. We began by removing the heat sink for easier access.
- Measured Current with a Detection Device: The current reading was 0.916 amps, indicating that the compressor was running but might have underlying issues.
1. 检测压缩机工作状态
- 松开散热片:饮水机的压缩机位于机身背部,我们首先拆下后部的散热片以便检修。
- 接入电流检测仪:测得当前压缩机的工作电流为0.916安培,说明压缩机正在运行,但可能存在异常。
2. Disassembling and Testing Components
- Disconnected Terminals: We detached the compressor’s wiring terminals, including the overload protector and starter.
- Measured Resistance Using a Multimeter:
- Starter Resistance: Measured at 12.7 ohms, which is within the normal range.
- Overload Protector Resistance: Measured at 2.6 ohms, higher than the normal range of 1 to 1.4 ohms. Additionally, we observed visible cracks on the overload protector, confirming it was faulty.
2. 拆解并检测组件
- 拆下接线端子:我们卸下压缩机的接线端子,以及过载保护器和启动器。
- 使用万用表测量阻值:
- 启动器阻值:测得12.7欧,属于正常范围。
- 过载保护器阻值:测得2.6欧,明显偏高,正常阻值应在1至1.4欧之间。此外,观察到过载保护器外壳已出现开裂迹象,进一步验证了故障的原因。
3. Verifying Compressor Coil Health
To ensure the compressor was not the root cause of the overload protector damage, we tested the compressor coils. Results showed normal resistance values, ruling out compressor failure.
3. 检查压缩机线圈
- 更换过载保护器:我们安装了全新的过载保护器,并确保所有接线端子连接牢固。
- 调整饮水机摆放位置:建议客户将饮水机与墙壁保持至少10厘米的距离,以改善散热条件,避免类似故障再次发生。