
Replace Filters Case 58 : Sand Replacement Services for Outdoor Whole House Filtration System Branded W

Today preparing to replace sand filters for this FRP outdoor whole house filtration system.
IMG 20170823 132717 water filter

This is old sand filters.
IMG 20170823 132722 water filter

5 bag of the old sand filters.
IMG 20170823 132726 water filter

Preparing to fill in new sand filters.
IMG 20170823 132833 water filter

Silicon sand.
IMG 20170823 140129 water filter

This piping is filtered water.
IMG 20170823 132711 water filter

Completed sand filling.
IMG 20170823 133409 water filter

Replace done.
IMG 20170823 134159 water filter

Drop the old filters.
IMG 20170823 134203 water filter