
Replacing Outdoor Rocket Stainless Steel Water Filter Cartridges System

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Replacing Outdoor Rocket Stainless Steel Water Filter Cartridges

Today, we assisted a client with the replacement and maintenance of an outdoor rocket stainless steel water filter. This filter utilizes sand filter cartridges and activated carbon cartridges, making it an excellent choice for large-capacity water filtration in outdoor environments. Below is a detailed account of the process, benefits of the system, and maintenance tips.

Step-by-Step Process for Cartridge Replacement

1. Initial Preparation: Clearing Surroundings

Over time, the filter had been entangled by vines, obstructing maintenance work. The first step was to remove the overgrowth to access the filter.

  • Purpose: Clearing the area ensures a safe and efficient maintenance process while protecting the stainless steel casing from further damage.
  • Precautions: Use appropriate tools to prevent scratching or damaging the filter’s exterior.




1. 初步准备工作:清理设备周围环境


  • 清理目的:不仅为操作腾出空间,还避免了藤曼对过滤器的不锈钢外壳造成进一步的侵蚀或机械阻碍。
  • 注意事项:清理过程中避免损坏设备外壳,确保后续操作顺利进行。

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2. Disassembling the Filter and Removing Old Cartridges

Once the area was clear, we proceeded with dismantling the filter to replace the cartridges.

Steps Involved:

  • Loosening the Top Screws: Using the correct tools, we opened the top cover of the filter.
  • Disconnecting the Pipes: Detached the water filter from its inlet and outlet connections for easy handling.
  • Emptying the Old Cartridges:
    • The used sand cartridges were visibly dirty, filled with sediment and debris.
    • The activated carbon cartridges had lost their adsorption efficiency.
    • Approximately two full trays of old filter media were removed, showcasing the importance of regular cartridge replacement.

2. 拆卸过滤器与滤芯



  • 松开顶部螺丝
  • 拆除连接管道
  • 倾倒旧滤芯

    • 旧沙石滤芯:已经明显受到了污染,表面覆盖了大量的泥沙和杂质。
    • 旧活性炭滤芯:失去了吸附功能,需要及时更换。
  • 滤芯清理量:此次操作共清理了两大盘旧滤芯,充分说明了定期更换的重要性。

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3. Cleaning the Pipes and Filter Interior

Before installing the new cartridges, we thoroughly cleaned the equipment and connected pipes to ensure no residual contaminants remained.

Cleaning Process:

  • Pipe Flushing: Used high-pressure water to remove any remaining sand or debris in the pipes.
  • Filter Interior Cleaning: Washed the inside of the filter to remove build-up and prepare it for new cartridges.

4. Installing New Cartridges

With the cleaning complete, we installed fresh filter media to restore optimal performance.

Cartridge Installation Steps:

  1. Filling Sand Filter Media
    • The new sand filter media is designed to effectively trap sediment, dirt, and other large particles.
    • We layered the sand evenly to maximize filtration efficiency.
  2. Adding Activated Carbon Media
    • The activated carbon media helps absorb odors, chlorine, and organic contaminants, enhancing water taste and quality.
    • Ensured a tight, uniform fill to prevent bypass and maintain consistent performance.
  3. Securing the Top Cover
    • Tightened the screws carefully to ensure the filter was completely sealed and ready for operation.

3. 清洗管道与设备内部



  • 管道冲洗:确保供水管道内没有遗留沙石或沉积物。
  • 设备内部清理:用清水冲洗过滤器内部,去除附着的杂质和沉淀物。
  • 清洗效果:经过清洗,设备内外焕然一新,为新滤芯的安装提供了良好的环境。

4. 安装新滤芯



  1. 沙石滤芯填充
    • 新沙石滤芯具有卓越的颗粒物过滤能力,可去除水中的泥沙、铁锈和其他大颗粒杂质。
    • 采用分层填充的方式,确保滤芯均匀分布,提高过滤效率。
  2. 活性炭滤芯补充
    • 新活性炭滤芯能够有效吸附水中的异味、余氯和其他有害物质,提升水质口感。
    • 保证填充密实,避免水流短路影响过滤效果。
  3. 密封螺丝固定
    • 重新将顶部螺丝拧紧,确保设备完全密封,避免使用过程中出现漏水现象。

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5. Replacing Old Pipes

During the maintenance, we noticed the outdoor water pipes and the filter’s hose connections were deteriorating.

  • Filter Hose Replacement: The old hose showed leakage and instability, so we replaced it with a durable, high-quality alternative.
  • Garden Pipe Upgrade: Replaced the client’s garden water supply pipes to prevent further leaks and ensure smooth water flow.

6. Final Testing and Inspection

After completing the installation, we performed a thorough test to ensure everything was functioning correctly.

  • Water Flow Test: Checked for smooth water flow through the filter.
  • Leakage Check: Ensured no leaks at the connections or within the filter system.
  • Performance Test: Verified that the filter system was delivering clean and clear water.

Key Advantages of the Rocket-Shaped Stainless Steel Filter

1. Exceptional Filtration Performance

  • Sand Filter Media: Effectively removes dirt, sand, and other particles, protecting downstream water systems.
  • Activated Carbon Media: Absorbs chemicals, chlorine, and odors, improving water quality and taste.

2. Durable and Aesthetic Design

  • Rocket Shape: The unique design provides enhanced stability and a modern aesthetic suitable for outdoor settings.
  • Stainless Steel Material: Highly resistant to corrosion, weathering, and wear, ensuring long-lasting use.

3. High Capacity and Versatility

  • Handles large water volumes, making it ideal for residential and commercial applications.
  • The filter supports various environments and can adapt to diverse water quality challenges.

Maintenance Tips and Conclusion

Regular maintenance is critical for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your rocket-shaped stainless steel water filter. Here are a few key tips:

  1. Replace Filter Media Periodically: Depending on water quality, replace sand and activated carbon cartridges every 24 to 36 months.
  2. Clean the Filter System Regularly: Prevent sediment build-up to maintain filtration efficiency.
  3. Inspect Pipes and Connections: Regularly check for leaks or damages and replace components as needed.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure a clean, uninterrupted water supply for your household or garden needs.

If you require professional assistance with your outdoor stainless steel water filter, feel free to contact us. Our team is dedicated to providing expert services to keep your filtration system running smoothly!

5. 更换老旧水喉



  • 过滤器水喉更新:原水喉已经松动且有漏水现象,替换成全新的耐用水喉。
  • 花园供水管道更换:一并更换了花园供水的老旧水喉,确保供水流畅且无泄漏。

6. 启动测试与验收


  • 检查水流是否顺畅:确保水流平稳无阻。
  • 检查接口是否漏水:仔细观察各个接口,确认没有漏水问题。
  • 启动时间测试:连续供水数分钟后,过滤器运行正常,供水质量达到客户满意标准。


  1. 高效过滤能力
    • 沙石滤芯:强力过滤泥沙、铁锈等颗粒杂质,保护后续用水设备。
    • 活性炭滤芯:吸附异味和有害化学物质,显著改善水质口感和安全性。
  2. 火箭形状设计的实用性与美观性
    • 外观设计:火箭形状的不锈钢外壳不仅美观,还能增强过滤器的稳定性。
    • 材质优良:采用不锈钢材质,具有耐腐蚀、抗高温、耐候性强的特点,特别适合户外环境。
  3. 大容量与长效使用
    • 适合大流量供水需求,无论是家庭使用还是商业应用,都能提供长期稳定的过滤效果。
    • 定期维护后,可延长设备使用寿命,降低整体使用成本。



  1. 定期更换滤芯:沙石滤芯和活性炭滤芯的更换周期视水质而定,一般建议每24-36个月更换一次。
  2. 定期清洗设备:避免滤芯周边积累过多杂质,影响过滤效果。
  3. 检查管道与配件:及时更换老化或损坏的水喉与连接件,确保供水系统安全。

