
Stainless Steel Water Filter Cartridge Replacement at School: Ensuring Safe Drinking Water

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Stainless Steel Water Filter Cartridge Replacement at School: Ensuring Safe Drinking Water

Today, we visited a school to replace the filter cartridges of their stainless steel water filters. These water filters, although not equipped with hot and cold water functions, play a crucial role in ensuring clean and safe drinking water for students and staff.


今天我们前往一所学校,为其不锈钢过滤器进行滤芯更换服务。这些不锈钢过滤器虽然不具备冷热水功能,但在日常供水中提供了有效的过滤效果,保障学生和教职工的饮水卫生。IMG 9986 IMG 9987

Step-by-Step Filter Cartridge Replacement

First Filter (Canteen Area)

The first stainless steel water filter is installed in the school canteen, where it helps filter drinking water for daily use.

  • Cartridge Type: A 10-inch flat-head cartridge combining PP Sediment and activated carbon in a 2-in-1 design.
  • Inspection and Replacement:
    • Upon opening the filter, the cartridge was found to be heavily contaminated and clogged with impurities, severely reducing its efficiency.
    • Recommendation: Cartridges should be replaced every three months to maintain optimal filtration performance.
  • Post-Replacement Cleaning:
    • The stainless steel casing was thoroughly cleaned to ensure hygiene and prevent external contamination.




  • 滤芯类型:采用10寸平头滤芯,属于PP Sediment与活性炭2合1设计。
  • 检查与更换
    • 打开过滤器时发现旧滤芯非常肮脏,已经满载杂质,过滤性能明显下降。
    • 建议:学校应每3个月定期更换滤芯,以确保水质达标。
  • 后续处理
    • 清洗不锈钢过滤器的机身外壳,保证设备清洁和美观。

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Second Filter (Corridor Area)

The second filter is located in the school’s corridor area. The replacement process was similar to the first filter:

  • Steps Followed: The old cartridge was removed, and a new cartridge was installed securely.
  • Special Attention: The sealing rings were checked to avoid water leakage after reassembly.

In the same area, there was also a Coway water dispenser, which operates alongside the stainless steel filter to provide daily drinking water.



  • 操作步骤:按照与第一架相同的流程,卸下旧滤芯并安装新滤芯。
  • 注意事项:确保密封圈的位置正确,避免安装后漏水。

并排的还有一架Coway饮水机,与不锈钢过滤器一同为学校提供日常饮用水。IMG 9979 IMG 9978 IMG 9977 IMG 9975 IMG 9976 IMG 9973

Why Regular Maintenance Is Essential

Regular filter cartridge replacement is critical to maintaining water quality:

  • Effectively removes sediment, rust, odors, and other impurities from water.
  • Enhances water taste and prevents flow rate reduction due to clogged filters.
  • Prolongs the lifespan of both the water filter and connected appliances.

If your school, home, or business requires professional water filter cartridge replacement services, feel free to contact us. We are committed to delivering high-quality, efficient solutions to ensure your drinking water remains safe and clean!



  • 预防水中泥沙、铁锈、异味及其他杂质污染。
  • 提高饮水口感,减少滤芯堵塞造成的水流变慢问题。
  • 延长过滤器及下游饮水设备的使用寿命。

如果您的学校、家庭或企业需要专业的滤芯更换服务,欢迎随时联系我们。我们承诺以高效专业的方式为您的饮用水安全保驾护航!IMG 9974