
Filter Case 79 : Kemflo RO System Filter Element Replace

Today preparing to replace filter elements for this brand Kemflo RO water system.
IMG 7428 wm

Step 2 Olsmopure Udf Gac Carbon to remove chlorine, odor & taste.
IMG 7429 wm

Step 3 the second carbon filter, brand is Olsmopure CTO carbon filter.
IMG 7430 wm

Step 4 is the important filter, RO Membrane filter to process pure and clean water up to 0.00001 micron.
IMG 7432 wm

Step 5 is the last real carbon filter, to balance water taste filling good.
IMG 7431 wm

Filter replacement completed.
IMG 7433 wm

And last step is check the air pressure in RO water storage. tank
2021 02 23 11.28.37 wm

This is the older filter elements.
2021 02 23 11.28.43 wm