Install Case 82 : Installing Dual-layer Filters, PP Sediment and Carbon Water Purifiers, to Ensure Your Drinking Water Quality

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Drinking water is an essential part of our daily lives. However, water source pollution and aging pipes can affect water quality. Therefore, installing a dual-layer filter can effectively ensure the quality of your drinking water. Here are the steps to install a dual-layer filter.

First, prepare the accessories for the dual-layer filter, including the PP Sediment and Carbon water purifiers, as well as the tools needed for installation. Then, choose a suitable location to hang the dual-layer filter on the wall. Before hanging it on the wall, use a special instrument to check if there are pipes inside the wall to avoid damaging the water pipe during installation. After confirming the installation location, use a ruler to measure the distance between the two hooks to ensure that the dual-layer filter can be securely hung on the wall.

Next, install the connector between the pipe and the water purifier. First, wash the connector and pipe interface with clean water and apply lubricant for better installation. Then, insert the connector into the interface between the pipe and the water purifier and tighten it with a wrench. Note that a rubber washer should be placed between the connector and the pipe interface to prevent water leakage.


首先,准备双层过滤器所需的配件,包括 PP 沉淀物和活性炭净水器,以及安装所需的工具。然后,在墙上选择一个合适的位置挂双层过滤器。在将其挂在墙上之前,使用特殊仪器检查墙内是否有水管,以避免在安装过程中损坏水管。确认安装位置后,使用尺子测量两个挂钩之间的距离,以确保双层过滤器能够牢固地挂在墙上。


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After installation, the dual-layer filter needs to be cleaned. First, remove the PP Sediment filter and rinse it with clean water. Then, remove the activated carbon filter element from the Carbon water purifier and rinse it with clean water. Finally, assemble the accessories and fix them on the dual-layer filter.

By following these steps, you can successfully install the dual-layer filter. However, before using it, it is necessary to conduct a water test to ensure that there is no leakage. Additionally, to ensure the service life of the filter, it is recommended to replace the filter element every  3 months.

安装完成后,需要清洗双层过滤器。首先,取出 PP 沉淀物过滤器,并用清水冲洗。然后,从活性炭净水器中取出活性炭滤芯并用清水冲洗。最后,组装配件并固定在双层过滤器上。


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